Know instantly why you can not access a website

Know instantly why you can not access a website
Sometime we see a website become inaccessible, and that time if you need to visit that website very urgently, inaccessibility of that website make us bother very badly that moment. You may also try proxy to get access and can't access to that way. And that time you can check easily is that website is down just for your or everybody else in the world for surly. By that way you will done try to access that time any way and come back little later. And if you find just for you than you can try proxy or other ways to access inaccessible sites.

These tools will help you a lot to make sure a website is really down for everyone not just you! these tool will tell you that the website you trying to access is it offline or not.

Down for every one or just for me? 
Check a website If you think there something wrong with you and that site. Very lightweight and very useful instant website's downtime checker. Short Url is

Is it down right now?
Instantly check a website is down or up. Also detailed information, check response time graph and user comment help. Short Url is

HTTP Status Code Checker Tool
Check status code of URLs with this HTTP status checker tool, It also does batch/bulk HTTP status check also it allows 100 Domains at a time.

Up Down
Just another one page instant website's downtime checker.

Another lightweight instant downtime checker.

Down for everyone or just me
Downtime checking, pinging tool to use.

Website inaccessibility just not happens for Blocked sites in several places or those sites just hacked or in maintenance mode, website down may also will happens for that websites servers downtime. So when a website appears to be inaccessible try to check downtime first with these tools and save time.