- Pinterest is one of the biggest social media networking service, so your content will be revealed to a massive professional area and if your site content have such quality that will easily boost your visitor/customer/goodwill rapidly. And of course Pinterest users are mostly professional minded.
- Pinterest provides do-follow high pagerank backlinks. Do-follow backlinks are extremely good for SEO, so your Pinned images also will get your site a good rank in search engine.
How to add Pinterest Pin it button on images of Blogger blogs
This tutorial follows one ordinary step! Explained below:
Back up your Template (Optional step)
Before modifying Template saving an original copy for of it, is a cleaver job. So backup your Template first
- Log in to your Blogger blog, select your blog
- Go to 'Template' tab, click on 'Backup/Restore' from the top right corner
- Save the Xml file on your computer
Installing the codes (Mandatory step)
- From Blogger dashboard, Go to 'Template' tab, select 'Edit HTML'
- Search for </body> into code snippet (Using CTRL+F or CMD+F)
- Above </body> copy and paste these lines of codes
<script type="text/javascript" data-pin-hover="true" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js"></script>
- Hit 'Save template' now check your Blogger blog out, mouse hover on images 'Pin it' button appearing easily.
How to remove 'Pin it' button from some images
It's a batch Pin it button adding technique; will appear on every picture, but if you want some picture they will be out of 'Pin it' button's jurisdiction then follow this technique. For removing Pin it button from some images you have to quote those pictures in your post/page with 'nopin' attribute. For adding the 'no pin attribute' on a picture of a post/page,
- First upload your image and from top left side of 'Post editor' (Compose/HTML) select (HTML)
- And you will see the image's source code, looks like this- <img height="150" src="image link" width="150" />
- Re-edit this code with nopin attribute, example- <img height="150" src="image link" width="150" nopin="nopin" />
- and publish the post and confirm yourself 'Pin it' button gone from that selected images
How to remove 'Pin it' button from header image
If you using a big or mid size image for header and 'Pin it' button also appearing there, what is kind of unexpected; that case you can disallow 'Pin it' button form your header image too,
- Go to 'Template' tab select 'Edit Html'
- Find out </head> tag, enter this code line above </head> after your batch 'pin it' button code-
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("Header1_headerimg").setAttribute("nopin","nopin");</script>
FAQ and Caution:
- It has no count version
- You can not change the position of your 'Pin it' button
- Won't work with Heavy customized templates and Dynamic Templates
- You will get Pin it button on every image except picture that are smaller than 200px width and 100px height.
How this tutorial working on your Blogger blog don't forget to mention. New cool tutorials will be release soon stay subscribed. Goodluck...