Top 10 Best Web analytics & Traffic monitoring platform

Best Web analytics & Traffic monitoring platform
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Web analytics is not just a process for measuring web traffic but can be used as a tool for business and market research, and to assess and improve the effectiveness of a website. It helps one to estimate how traffic to a website changes after the launch of a new advertising campaign. Web analytics provides information about the number of visitors to a website and the number of page views. It helps gauge traffic and popularity trends which is useful for market research. Here top Web analytics & Traffic monitoring services are listed; read on:

Top 10 Best Web analytics & Traffic monitoring platform

1. IBM Cognos
IBM Cognos is an all-in-one Business Intelligence software that enables them to quickly and confidently determine and make decisions on insight; With this analytic solution, users get formatted and interactive dashboards that claim highly scalable distribution and scheduling capabilities, as well as custom visualizations. IBM Cognos also comes with a wide selection of advanced analysis tools including what-if analysis, trend analysis, advanced analysis, and analytical reporting etc.

2. StatCounter 
StatCounter is a free web based invisible web tracker and web traffic monitoring platform that displays the number of new and returning visitors on your website in real-time. Embedding the script of StatCounter is very easy and creating an account with StatCounter is simple too. One of the biggest advantages of using for checking the hit counter is that it is a highly configurable web tracker.

3. Histats
Histats is a real time visitor’s stat telling platform that makes the website owners able to check the real-time traffic on their websites. The users of Histats can even monitor the activities of their users by checking the duration on website, article view by the visitors, tag or keyword if any used by to approach a specific article on the website.

4. AFSAnalytics
AFSAnalytics is said to be the advanced level of stat teller because of the features that it delivers to its users. Telling about the new visitors, total visitors and the number of pages visited is a common service being provided by the most of the web track and visitor tracking tools. But what make the AFSAnalytics special one is that it allows the users to get the location, IP address etc.

5. Piwik 
Piwik is a free and open source web analytics tool that provides detailed reports on your website regarding its visitors, search engine used, keywords used, page visited, files downloaded and many more. Apart from report system, its users can save notes and attach them to any previous date. Its multiple features such as transitions, goals, e-commerce, page overlay, row evolution and custom variables gives the users best way of organizing.

6. Woopra
Woopra is a commercial real time customer analytics service for marketing. The tool is designed to assist organization optimize the customer behavior by providing data of individual website visitors and aggregate analytics reports of all visitors. Besides giving reports, it provides a comprehensive profile for every single user in 100% real time. Reporting like segmentation, funnels, retention and much more are the part of its features.

7. KISSmetrics 
KISSmetrics is a customer intelligence and web analytics service, which connects all your data to real people. If you are using multiple devices and browsers then it will also connect all your data to a single person in KISSmetrics. You will check everything that visitor has done from the initial stage to the last.

8. Clicky
Clicky is a web analytics tool, which provides the real time data of the visitors. Everything which you think necessary for web marketing will be surely available on this platform. Clicky allows you see individual visitor and every action they perform on your site, their usernames and email addresses.

9. Open Web Analytics 
 Open Web Analytics word Open that is telling for a web analytic platform that is an entirely open source web analytic platforms. This platform is specialized in delivering those analytical tools that will make you able to track and analyze the activities of your visitors on your websites and even applications.

10. Mouseflow
Mouseflow it is a platform that makes the users able to track the mouse clicks and movements of the visitors on the website. Mouseflow is a web analytic platform that provides you the behavior of visitors towards your website. Everything performed by visitors like what they read, in which post they are interested, movement of mouse and many more are available on fingers.