Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fifty employees to five thousand employees, Small businesses in many countries include service or retail operations such as convenience stores, small grocery stores, bakeries or delicatessens, hairdressers or tradespeople, restaurants, guest houses, photographers, very small-scale manufacturing, and Internet-related businesses such as web design and computer programming. Some professionals operate as small businesses, such as lawyers, accountants, dentists and medical doctors. Small businesses need to have an Accountant, who will keep all transaction records through a software, thus We've conducted a research for the best accounting software for small businesses, we looked for solutions that are affordable, easy to use, time-saving features (such as automated entries, invoicing, bill payment, expense reports, financial reports and reconciliation, cloud-based software that syncs with bank accounts and point of sale systems, running financial reports and accepting payments) Read on our list about 5 Best Accounting Software for Small Business:
QuickBooks accounting software package developed and marketed by Intuit. QuickBooks products are geared mainly toward small and medium-sized businesses and offer on-premises accounting applications as well as cloud-based versions that accept business payments, manage and pay bills, and payroll functions inventory management, Shopify integration, job scheduling, CRM and more.. Essentials plan around $15 per month free trials available.
2. FreshBooks
FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting service designed specifically for small business owners and it's incredibly easy to use The WYSIWYG format is intuitive, and with just a few clicks you can add billable time and expenses, customize the look of the invoice and set up recurring invoices, automatic payment reminders and late fees. Also the system integrates with many other services, including PayPal, MailChimp, Zendesk, connects to bank, generates several reports, tracks time and helps manage projects; The charge is per month $13.50.
3. Xero
Xero's cloud-based accounting software, which is available for both PC and Mac, is a full-featured solution can help you save time and simplify accounting by automating tasks and integrating with more than 600 apps. Xero also comes with 24/7 email and live chat support, Its $10 to $70 per month Starter account, The service offers smart expense tracking and management, optionally on your mobile with Xero's excellent app for Android and iOS.
4. Zoho
Zoho is an online accounting software allows easily manage the money flowing in and out of business. Manage customers and invoices, while keeping expenses in check. Record, monitor and reconcile bank accounts and transactions, and collaborate with accountant in real-time. Starting Price $9.00/month, Free Trial Available, get a free trial Deployment Cloud, SaaS, Web Mobile: Android Native Mobile, iOS Native.
5. Wave Financial
Wave is a web base integrated accounting solution exclusively designed for small organizations. Features including accounting, invoicing, billing, payment tracking, payroll management, finance management and receipts. With the bank reconciliation feature, PayPal accounts and other sources of data for real-time transaction records. Businesses can also generate reports such as balance sheets, sales tax reports. Free and Mobile accounting available.
So which one you are going to use don't forget to mention :)
5 Best Accounting Software for Small Business
1. QuickBooksQuickBooks accounting software package developed and marketed by Intuit. QuickBooks products are geared mainly toward small and medium-sized businesses and offer on-premises accounting applications as well as cloud-based versions that accept business payments, manage and pay bills, and payroll functions inventory management, Shopify integration, job scheduling, CRM and more.. Essentials plan around $15 per month free trials available.
2. FreshBooks
FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting service designed specifically for small business owners and it's incredibly easy to use The WYSIWYG format is intuitive, and with just a few clicks you can add billable time and expenses, customize the look of the invoice and set up recurring invoices, automatic payment reminders and late fees. Also the system integrates with many other services, including PayPal, MailChimp, Zendesk, connects to bank, generates several reports, tracks time and helps manage projects; The charge is per month $13.50.
3. Xero
Xero's cloud-based accounting software, which is available for both PC and Mac, is a full-featured solution can help you save time and simplify accounting by automating tasks and integrating with more than 600 apps. Xero also comes with 24/7 email and live chat support, Its $10 to $70 per month Starter account, The service offers smart expense tracking and management, optionally on your mobile with Xero's excellent app for Android and iOS.
4. Zoho
Zoho is an online accounting software allows easily manage the money flowing in and out of business. Manage customers and invoices, while keeping expenses in check. Record, monitor and reconcile bank accounts and transactions, and collaborate with accountant in real-time. Starting Price $9.00/month, Free Trial Available, get a free trial Deployment Cloud, SaaS, Web Mobile: Android Native Mobile, iOS Native.
5. Wave Financial
Wave is a web base integrated accounting solution exclusively designed for small organizations. Features including accounting, invoicing, billing, payment tracking, payroll management, finance management and receipts. With the bank reconciliation feature, PayPal accounts and other sources of data for real-time transaction records. Businesses can also generate reports such as balance sheets, sales tax reports. Free and Mobile accounting available.
So which one you are going to use don't forget to mention :)