15 Best Facebook Marketing Tips to follow right now

15 Best Facebook Marketing Tips to follow right now
Start of October 2012 that Facebook had passed the monthly active users mark of 1 billion. This continued to grow, reaching 1.19 billion monthly active users in October 2013, 1.44 billion users in April 2015, 1.71 billion users in July 2016, 1.94 billion users in March 2017, and ultimately 2 billion users in June 2017. And as for marketers, the platform is the Gold mine for business. But making the best of it isn't easy; this platform has changed completely in just a few years, and staying up to date with those changes can be a challenge. That's why we're highlighting some new marketing tips in this article. These 15 Best Facebook Marketing Tips to follow right now set up and adapt your marketing account the way the platform has changed into 2017, and highlight the features and strategies marketers need to use going forward. Read on:

15 Best Facebook Marketing Tips to follow right now 

1. Set Up Saved Audiences
Saved Audiences can be extremely useful - especially if you want to target a specific market.
Within Facebook's Business Manager, you can create custom audiences based on set parameters. This enables you to advertise to specific groups of people, making sure that your niche content meets the right demographic. By creating a Saved Audience, we were able to target a group of mortgage lenders within the USA who were also interested in marketing with our niche piece of content. This drew the right audience to your content, drumming up business for your company and eyeballs on your brand.

2. Try Your Hand at Re-targeting
Re-targeting enables you to advertise to people who've already visited your website. All you have to do is install Facebook's tracking pixel on your website, and wait for visitors to roll in. Facebook Pixel is a  Conversion Measurement tool: track your website conversions, measure your Facebook Ads ROI, and bid using pixel. If you own a business and you have a website, you absolutely must start a re-targeting campaign  it's one of the most profitable forms of advertising online.

3. Add a Call To Action on Your Page
Facebook added this functionality and every page owner should take advantage. On your Facebook Business Page, you can add a call to action that sits in the bottom right-hand corner of your cover photo. These buttons make it easy for your fans to get in touch with your business don't miss out on some extra site traffic.

4. Be Responsive To Messages  
There's more and more evidence indicating that Facebook is calculating response time into their algorithm, so be sure to respond to messages. Your response time will also be live on your page, so fans will be able to see how quickly you interact with them. If you respond quickly to most users who send you messages on Facebook, then you can earn what Facebook calls a "Very responsive to messages" badge.

5. Create custom page tabs  
By default, your page tabs are set as Timeline, About, Photos, Likes and More. But Facebook lets you create and leverage custom tabs; which are basically like landing pages within your Facebook Page, or calls-to-action where you can feature anything from case studies to marketing offers to other promotions you're running.

6. Make sure your images are properly formatted
Don't just post images for the sake of posting images. To give your users the best experience possible, you need to optimize your images for Facebook so that they're the right sizes and dimensions.
  1. Cover photo: 851 px wide by 315 px tall     
  2. Profile image: 180 px wide by 180 px tall     
  3. Highlighted image: 1200 px wide by 717 px tall     
  4. Shared image: 1200 px wide by 630 px tall     
  5. Shared link thumbnail image: 1200 px wide by 627 px tall

Include social media images: Photos receive 53 percent more likes on Facebook than the average post and 84 percent more link clicks. So:
  1. Share images of real people     
  2. Focus on faces     
  3. Use lifestyle imagery, rather than product imagery     
  4. Be brief     
  5. Encourage short responses     
  6. Create image galleries     
  7. Use nostalgia to your advantage
7. Post videos, especially live videos
Facebook is continuing to tweak how the algorithm measures people's interest in video content on Facebook, but the main takeaway is to make your videos as visually engaging as possible -- especially in the first few seconds.
  • Get Comfortable With Shooting Video: Video on Facebook accounts for just 0.9% of all posts. Here's the crazy thing about that: these same 0.9% of posts account for 7.15% of all reach on the network. And that number is growing. Video posts are dominating social media, with Facebook emerging as YouTube's largest contender for video uploads. If you haven't started marketing with video on Facebook, now's the time to begin.
  • Shoot Live Video: Video production is going to be a major theme for social media in 2017, and live video, in particular, is going to grow greatly. You need to be able to master staged video first, but once you get the hang of it, stepping in front of the camera and shooting live has a ton of advantages.
8. Post your most unique and valuable visual content
  • Facebook's new timeline page design places more of an emphasis on visual content like images and videos. After all, Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than posts without images. One study found that Facebook posts with photos saw the most engagement over any other type of post, accounting for a whopping 87% of total interactions. 
  • Another reason to post lots of visual content? It'll help auto-populate the "Photos" and "Videos" tabs, which are automatically added to every Facebook Page. You want those to be rife with visual content when people click on them.
  • Feature crowdsourced photos of them doing just that, Offer advice and solutions to your customers and audience members through your organization’s Facebook page. The possibilities are endless, so make the time to sit down and truly think about how your brand stands out in the marketplace, and how this can be translated to your Facebook marketing strategy. 
9. Schedule posts to the right timing
Scrambling for Facebook content is not a new phenomenon. Timing is everything  While of course it depends on your audience, your content, and your overall goal, the timing of your Facebook post is something to seriously consider. Take a look at your audience, and note the personas you aim to reach.

10. Remove links from your post copy: Keep your copy succinct by removing the horrendously long URL you're sharing from the text in your post. Plus, any user can click on the generated thumbnail or title for that URL to navigate to the blog post, web page, or any URL you're linking to so no need to include it in the copy of your post as well.

11. Make sure your blog posts' meta descriptions are complete: The description gets pulled from the page's meta description, which refers to the HTML attribute that explains the contents of a given web page. It's the short description you see on a search engine results page to "preview" what the page is about, and it's also the copy Facebook will automatically pull in the populate the description of a post.

12. Claim your Page's vanity URL: Once you've created your business Page, it'll get a randomly assigned number and URL, like facebook.com/pages/yourbusiness/123456789. To make your Page more shareable and easier to find, you'll want to create a recognizable vanit.

13. Host Facebook contests:  If there’s anything people love, it’s free stuff. The thrill of potentially getting something for free is a great incentive, and would most likely have little actual cost for your business when compared with the social media and brand awareness payoff.
  1. Increase fan base
  2. Boost in traffic
  3. Produce user-generated content   
  4. Generate target market opinions 
  5. Increase shares and viral    
  6. Generate conversations     
  7. Grow your email list
14. Boost your posts:  Boosting Facebook post is still an effective way of improving your reach and engagement potential. Once you have identified your target audience, you can hone in even more on those you want to reach through a boosted post. If you require a little bit of clarification regarding what a boosted post actually is, our guide to Facebook boosted posts explains that “a boosted post is a post from your business Page that, for a fee, can appear higher up on your audience’s News Feeds.

15. Seek audience insights:  The activities, posts, comments, and any other type of engagement you encounter on your brand’s Facebook page, offer valuable data for you to consider. You can see what kind of content your audience responds to, what kind of content they ignore, and therefore what content you should concentrate on and put your efforts into. Facebook makes this really easy for you through their own “Audience Insights,” where you are able to see exactly what your audience engages with.