Web Application Development Frameworks is designed to support the development of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs. Web frameworks provide a standard way to build and deploy web applications. Web frameworks aim to automate the overhead associated with common activities performed in web development. There are a lots of Web Application Development Frameworks available on web, here we narrowed down the best of them to start with, read on :
Ruby on Rails is the most used web application Framework which follows push-based MVC architecture. It is considered as the General purpose website Framework but now days a large number of applications are built through this framework. Availability of fantastic tools to formulate feature apps easily, Easily obtainable Library & the best code quality, Supports the Test Automation to deliver flawless software.
2. AngularJS
AngularJS is an open source framework that is maintained by Google. Developers choose this framework as it allows the developers to extend HTML vocabulary for website development. AngularJS's one of the most popular feature is: The fast loading time, Lightweight framework, Expressive framework, Easy test-ability, Two-way data binding, extends HTML.
3. EmberJs
EmberJs is the best platform defined for building the ambitious web applications. Developers try their hands with EmberJs for developing scalable single-page web applications. Numerous tools are there that offer flexible and standard application structure. It's positive aspects are Strong built-in router, Simple web components, Offers a complete development stack, Stability without stagnation.
4. CakePHP
CakePHP is an open-source platform which is written in PHP. Web app development companies tell that, by using this framework, development becomes faster and simpler. The interactive web apps can be built with less coding. It is Budget friendly web app development, Scaffolding code generation, fast and flexible templating system, Trustable security constraints etc.
5. Phalcon
Phalcon is an open source framework following MVC pattern. Phalcon is introduced as the fastest PHP framework. Phalcon has the innovative architecture & lowest overhead for MVC based application. Positive Aspects: Boosted execution speed, Reduces the usage of resource, High performance, Featured to handle more HTTP requests comparatively.
6. Zend
Zend is an object oriented web application framework which supports a wide range of database systems. It has Flexible caching sub system, Extensible MVC implementation supporting layouts, Modular framework Extensible and easy to adapt. It has Limitations: Shared objects are loaded each time the script is executed and External additional files clutter up the disk.
7. ASP Net
ASP Net is a web app development platform for building the robust desktop & mobile applications. ASP.net works for the HTTP protocol & optimizes HTTP commands. This framework is built using Common Language Runtime. Large apps can be developed with less coding, Safe and secure environment Easy to write & maintain source code, Easy deployment.
8. Symfony
Symfony is a PHP web develoment framework that is launched to speed up the development process. Absolutely customized web apps are crafted with the developers having total control over the configuration. Multiple developers can smoothly manage a Symfony project, Adds the security constraints for user authentication, Incorporate the advance features easily.
9. Express
Express is a NodeJs web application server framework. This platform is flexible enough to build single page, multi-page and even the thriving hybrid web applications. It is Fast and minimalist framework, Robust set of features for web and mobile apps, Developer friendly support to create API, Supports the concurrency but To understand the code structure is very hard for developer.
10. Codeigniter
Codeigniter is the powerful PHP framework offers a simple & elegant toolkit for creating feature pack web applications. This framework is identified for clear documentation and small footprint among the developer community. Compatibility with standard hosting, Use the coding and naming conventions without restriction, Lightweight and extensive,Well defined Possessed Libraries.
So which one is your favorite don''t forget to mention :)
10 Best Web Application Development Frameworks
1. Ruby on RailsRuby on Rails is the most used web application Framework which follows push-based MVC architecture. It is considered as the General purpose website Framework but now days a large number of applications are built through this framework. Availability of fantastic tools to formulate feature apps easily, Easily obtainable Library & the best code quality, Supports the Test Automation to deliver flawless software.
2. AngularJS
AngularJS is an open source framework that is maintained by Google. Developers choose this framework as it allows the developers to extend HTML vocabulary for website development. AngularJS's one of the most popular feature is: The fast loading time, Lightweight framework, Expressive framework, Easy test-ability, Two-way data binding, extends HTML.
3. EmberJs
EmberJs is the best platform defined for building the ambitious web applications. Developers try their hands with EmberJs for developing scalable single-page web applications. Numerous tools are there that offer flexible and standard application structure. It's positive aspects are Strong built-in router, Simple web components, Offers a complete development stack, Stability without stagnation.
4. CakePHP
CakePHP is an open-source platform which is written in PHP. Web app development companies tell that, by using this framework, development becomes faster and simpler. The interactive web apps can be built with less coding. It is Budget friendly web app development, Scaffolding code generation, fast and flexible templating system, Trustable security constraints etc.
5. Phalcon
Phalcon is an open source framework following MVC pattern. Phalcon is introduced as the fastest PHP framework. Phalcon has the innovative architecture & lowest overhead for MVC based application. Positive Aspects: Boosted execution speed, Reduces the usage of resource, High performance, Featured to handle more HTTP requests comparatively.
6. Zend
Zend is an object oriented web application framework which supports a wide range of database systems. It has Flexible caching sub system, Extensible MVC implementation supporting layouts, Modular framework Extensible and easy to adapt. It has Limitations: Shared objects are loaded each time the script is executed and External additional files clutter up the disk.
7. ASP Net
ASP Net is a web app development platform for building the robust desktop & mobile applications. ASP.net works for the HTTP protocol & optimizes HTTP commands. This framework is built using Common Language Runtime. Large apps can be developed with less coding, Safe and secure environment Easy to write & maintain source code, Easy deployment.
8. Symfony
Symfony is a PHP web develoment framework that is launched to speed up the development process. Absolutely customized web apps are crafted with the developers having total control over the configuration. Multiple developers can smoothly manage a Symfony project, Adds the security constraints for user authentication, Incorporate the advance features easily.
9. Express
Express is a NodeJs web application server framework. This platform is flexible enough to build single page, multi-page and even the thriving hybrid web applications. It is Fast and minimalist framework, Robust set of features for web and mobile apps, Developer friendly support to create API, Supports the concurrency but To understand the code structure is very hard for developer.
10. Codeigniter
Codeigniter is the powerful PHP framework offers a simple & elegant toolkit for creating feature pack web applications. This framework is identified for clear documentation and small footprint among the developer community. Compatibility with standard hosting, Use the coding and naming conventions without restriction, Lightweight and extensive,Well defined Possessed Libraries.
So which one is your favorite don''t forget to mention :)