20 Best Front-End Frameworks for Web-developers

20 Best Front-End Frameworks for Web-developers
Frameworks is one of useful front-end developers tool for faster & better web development. With frameworks one can easily build a well structured, maintainable and upgradable website. It also save much time because there are plenty of readily available elements that one can use. Like Some frameworks provide tools for creating and providing web services. These utilities may offer similar tools as the rest of the web application. Here below top 20 Best Front-End Frameworks for Web-developers listed, read on:

20 Best Front-End Frameworks for Web-developers

1. Bootstrap 
Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML & CSS base design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Unlike many web frameworks, it concerns itself with front-end development only.

2. UI Kit
UI Kit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. UIkit has a well-structured, expandable, comprehensive documentation and maintainable code. It also offers a grid system which is responsive, fluid. UIkit can build navigation, buttons, modals, drop-down and more responsively.

3. Pure
Pure is set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project. If you're planning to build a web app that works both on desktop and mobile, then you should consider of using Pure. Pure comes as a pure CSS framework only. Build on top of Normalize.css, Pure has an extremely small file size with just 3.5KB (minified and gzip).

4. Foundation 
Foundation is a family of responsive front-end frameworks that make it easy to design beautiful responsive websites, apps and emails that look amazing on any device. Foundation is semantic, readable, flexible, and completely customizable. It is most likely the toughest rival for Twitter Bootstrap. It is very well documented, stable, flexible and open source front-end framework.

5. MontageJS 
MontageJS is a modern front-end HTML5 framework that supports creating single-page applications. It uses time-tested design patterns and software principles, allowing you to easily create a modular architecture for your projects and deliver a high-quality user experience. This easy to learn because it is closely aligned with the underlying design of the Web, complementing existing standards.

6. Groundwork 
Groundwork is a lightweight, flexible and responsive front-end framework created & maintained by Gary Hepting. Groundwork is built on top of Sass and Compass, It offers a great grid system which flexible, fluid and nestable. With its grid system, you can build any layout type of layout that fit on any screen size also it's well documented.

7. Inuit
Inuit is another great CSS famework that focuses on Mobile First approach and leave all the design to you. While many other framework are coming with their own built in design CSS, Inuit.css, however, don’t. Inuit.css works in OOCSS (Object Oriented CSS) manner which is a fast, scalable and maintainable method of writing reusable CSS.

8. Metro UI
Metro UI is front-end framework for developing projects on the web in Windows Metro Style  Metro UI CSS developed with the advice of Microsoft to build the user interface and include: general styles, grid, layouts, typography, 20+ components, 300+ built-in icons. Metro UI CSS build with LESS. Metro UI CSS is open source and has MIT licensing model. 

9. HTML KickStart 
HTML KickStart is an Ultra Lean HTML5, CSS, & JS Building Blocks for Rapid Website Production. It was developed based on Twitter Bootstrap with the icon support from Font Awesome. With its ready menu, list, tables, buttons, grid system, and many great elements, one can save the process of web project up to 10 hours or even more.

10. Materialize 
Materialize is based on Google’s Material Design principles, Materialize has come as a modern responsive front-end framework. This framework is very suitable for those who want to implement Material Design look and feel into their website without any complexity. It features card design, ripple effect animation, Sass mixin, drag out mobile menu etc.

11. Bootflat
Bootflat is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.3.0 CSS framework. And, for the designers, they offer a free PSD Download. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers or designers to create elegant web apps.

12. Flat UI 
Flat UI is Free and Pro User Interface Kit they got tons of Basic and Custom UI Elements, A Lot of Useful Samples, More Vector Icons and Glyphs, Pro Color Swatches, It's based on Twitter Bootstrap Based HTML/CSS/JS Layout.

13. 960 Grid System 
960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow. It is a front-end framework that can streamline your web development workflow based on a 960px wide container. The container is then can be sliced up into 12, 16 or even 24 columns for easier laying out content.

14. Skeleton
Skeletonis a lightweight CSS framework that uses a 12-column grid system. Skeleton provides you with some fundamentals components only like button, lists, table, forms which aimed to kick-start your development process.

15. Jeet 
 Jeet allows you to express your page grid on the fly in a very intuitive, clean, manner. No more needlessly nesting elements. No more rigid twelve column rules, with less code, and more flexibility. It supports almost all modern and old browsers.

16. Susy 
Susy is an automated grid system that can help you build web layout in any kind of column you want. It gives one the freedom and flexibility to build design of their own choices. It’s able to handle whether your design has 5, 12, 24, 48 or unequal columns.

17. Simple Grid
Simple Grid is a very lightweight, responsive grid system. It’s not like other frameworks that have that fancy button, menu, table, etc, Simple Grid offers only a pure grid. The grid feature is based on 1140 px screen size with 12 columns that you can customize to get your best layout.

18. TopCoat
TopCoat is a robust front-end framework made by Adobe team for developing web application designed with speed in mind. Every single detail in TopCoat is optimized for performance priority. It also offers you with customizable theme, open source font and also PSD UI Kit to use with your project.

19. Ink
Ink is a front-end framework that is developed for quicker UI development using HTML, CSS and Javascript, just like Bootstrap does. Create modern layout easily with some reusable interface elements like table, tabs, data picker, modal, sortable list, tree view, gallery, form validator.

20. Material UI
Material UI is another framework that implements Material Design specification. The only thing that differentiate it from Materialize is it’s built by the love of React JavaScript library from Facebook. It has many beautiful UI components that you may use freely on your web page.

So which one is your favorite platform don't forget to mention :)