How to Add HTML5 video player to Blogger/Wordpress

How to Add HTML5 video player to Blogger/Wordpress
HTML5 have lots of features and function. Audio and Video playback is one of the notable feature of HTML5. Before HTML5, there was no standard for showing videos on website. Video playback basically done by Adobe flash, alternatively you can use HTML5 Video player to your site, it offers
  • Modernized light weighted codes
  • No exceptional script necessary
  • More customizable parameters (play/pause button, volume, height/width etc)
  • Easy to use for everyone
  • Supports MP4, WebM, Ogg formats
  • Supports all web browser’s latest version (except- IE, Safari what does not supports WebM, Ogg formats)

So let’s see how to play video with HTML5 player on your Blogger and Wordpress blog.

How to Add HTML5 video player to Blogger, Wordpress

Preview- (Frame Differs on browser)

Codes for copy-

<!-- HTML5 Video starts -->
<video controls="pause" height="300" poster="Image link here" preload="metadata" width="600">
<source src="Video Url here" type="video/mp4"></source> <!-- for IE --><!-- for Firefox -->
If you see this message, your browser does not support the video tag.</video>
<!-- HTML5 Video Ends -->

How to add in Blogger
  • During writing post from text editor’s upper side from (Compose/HTML),
  • Select ‘HTML’ and paste the following code and configure, 
  • After configure get back to ‘Compose’

How to add in Wordpress
  • During writing post from text editor’s upper side from (Post/HTML), 
  • Select ‘HTML’ and paste the following code and configure, 
  • After configure get back to ‘Post’

How to configure
  • First upload you video on any host site, copy your link, link extension should be

Not will be like :-

Paste on ‘Video Url here’
  • Add a still image in poster tag, upload poster image on ‘Tiny Pic’ and get the link, paste on ‘Image link here’
  • Add your Video height (default is 300), and width (default is 600)
  • Fix preload (auto or metadata or none)
  • Specify video prefix based on your video format,
If MP4 video/mp4
If WebM video/webm
If Ogg video/ogg
  • Specify in to controls =" ", (play or pause)
  • If you know how CSS works you also may add with style =" "

So, add HTML5 video player easily to your Blogger and Wordpress blogs. And don’t forget to mention your feedback on tutorial. Chill....