Looking for a fresher perspective with Feedburner email subscription form. and If you really looking for; here is a neat and clean and cool Feedburner email subscription I brought to you. It's design inspired by 3D button, 3D gradient ribbons, and not to being a random looking subscription box. This Cool Feedburner email subscription form got CSS3 3D button, edgy input box, 3D CSS and CSS3 gradient ribbon, Google fonts, promising quotes! This widget also works fine on modern web browsers. So what are you waiting for let's see how it looks like, how to add it on your Blogger blog/wordpress site and how to configure.
Live Demo- (Here you go)
Codes for copy-
How to add this widget in Blogger
Go to your feedburner account and get your Feedbuner feed id should be look like this link (http://feeds.feedburner.com/your site's feed) found it! now place the feed id in 'FeedId' redcolored.
Don't forget to mention how it looks like on your blogger and wordpress site. Remember edgy stuff comes up with edgy success, I meant it will boost your email subscriber. Also stay subscribed with Crawlist, cause new Blogger/Wordpress kit will be release soon, you'll get notified. Goodluck...
(Ribbon+3D) Feedburner Email subscription form for Blogger/Wordpress
Live Demo- (Here you go)
Codes for copy-
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<div class="ks_ribbon_wrap edge">
<div class="ribbon-wrap left-edge fork lblue"><span>Subscribe Our Newsletter</span></div>
<div align="center" class="ks-boxx">
<!-- crawlist.net newsletter starts -->
<form action='http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify' method='post' onsubmit='window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=FeedId', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=500');return true' target='popupwindow'>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='crawlist'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<input id='ks-feedz' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = " Enter your email";}' onfocus='if (this.value == " Enter your email") {this.value = ""}' type='text' value=' Enter your email'/>
<input id='ks-button' title='' type='submit' value='Submit'/>
<h6 style="margin-top:2px;"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjKqDofrRM_NLU_BVBQEClUAmSsImDI2rklBfOUr0jQ4ZuM4c7WP2Gopis2bjPkG994vfcB69F3D2BooLkB1I1_zn51i2PN1yDm30_VYaqwH1dQJxhUsKCprN52UQoHQgOV9PrKf3KoKx8/s1600/lock.png" height="12px" width="10px"/> No spam, No garbage, No bullshit! --- You can unsubscribe anytime --- 100% Privacy Guaranty</h6>
</div><!-- crawlist.net newsletter ends --></div>
How to add this widget in Blogger
- First log in to your Blogger, select your Blog,
- Go to 'Layout' tab then click 'add a gadget'
- Select 'html/javascript' from pop up menu.
- Copy following codes and configure
- From dashboard hover mouse on 'appearance' tab,
- From 'appearance' menu select 'widgets',
- Then drag and drop 'Text' content box in widget area,
- Copy following codes and paste into 'text' box,
- For new dashboard click on 'Text' add it to desired sidebar and paste the following codes.
Go to your feedburner account and get your Feedbuner feed id should be look like this link (http://feeds.feedburner.com/your site's feed) found it! now place the feed id in 'FeedId' redcolored.
Don't forget to mention how it looks like on your blogger and wordpress site. Remember edgy stuff comes up with edgy success, I meant it will boost your email subscriber. Also stay subscribed with Crawlist, cause new Blogger/Wordpress kit will be release soon, you'll get notified. Goodluck...