7 ways to customize Mailchimp opt-in/subscription form

7 ways to customize Mailchimp opt-in/subscription form
Mailchimp email newsletter service is one of the best newsletter service in web. It's free and bundled up with massive amount of features and services. But every great thing have a problem! Mailchimp's problem is, the default subscription forms they provides it's too simple and not what we call eye catchy and professional.
But there is a lot of way to customize Mailchimp optin form/subscription sign up forms. Here are the solution to customize Mailchimp's optin/subscription forms. By these option you will be able to create your customized Mailchimp form what will be eye catchy and professional, plus you will get more subscriber for your website very quickly. Read on-

7 ways to customize Mailchimp opt-in/subscription form

1. Jot form
Jot form is my favorite form builder. It's free and extremely easy to use. First sign-up for an free account. From pre-builted 5000 form search 'optin form' template, select one for customize or create your one from scratch. After creating form Get your Mailchimp Api key and syncs your Mailchimp account with Jotform. Get the created form code and paste code in your site

2. Wofoo
Wofoo free and paid online form builder, lets you create any kinds of forms that you can use and embed anywhere (emails, blog posts/pages, your website, even Facebook pages). Sign up for a account to Wofoo, create your optin form from pre-designed template and syncs up with your Mailchimp account, after integration completed, Copy the codes and paste codes in your site

3. Many Contacts
Many contacts is a free (will be paid in near future) efficient drop-down conversion bar what appears of the top of your website. Customizable colors, text, fields. Has link for files features, contact form, list management for your site. Open an account in Many contacts, build your bar and syncs with Mailchimp account, get the code and paste 'em in your site.

4. One I developed
A cool sign up form I developed for you. Check it out

Wordpress Plugins (Just for Wordpress users)

5. Optin Forms
Create beautiful opt-in forms with ease or Choose from 5 Beautiful pre-designed Form, customize it (change all texts, fonts & font sizes. Change the colors), and add your form to your blog with simple mouse click. shortcode support to make form appearance anywhere post/page/theme.

6. Gravity Forms
Premium Form builder wordpress plugin. Costly and extremely powerful wide variety of action and filter hooks at your disposal. Easy to Customize Layout and Styling. Also add Multi Page Forms, Advanced Fields, Ins and out Form Settings, Limit Entries, Schedule Forms, Pricing Fields, spam protection, Add-on. Pricing personal license 39$, Business 99$ and Pro 199$

7. Magic Action Box
Magic Action Box is an easy to use, powerful plugin that lets you create gorgeous optin forms what can be Easily add before or after a blog post or page, sidebar. Make your own action box styles, Or pick a style from pre-configured designs. also integrates with Gravity Forms to build complex, powerful and beautiful contact forms. Pro version offers many more features like Shortcodes and template tag, Sidebar Widget, Custom CSS3 Buttons. What cost 47$ professional pack, 97$ pro pack.

8. Thesis Theme user
7 Sleek and stylish Mailchimp optin form published by Diythemes. In Diytheme Thesis theme's Blog section an article shown 7 different style of (Diy) Optin form what you can use in you wordpress site, easy to set up and configure.

So I think now you can stop worrying about customizing Mailchimp optin/subscribe form. Pick any of these option and build your customized and cool opt-in form, get more subscriber and boost your email-marketing. And don't forget to mention what you thinking :)