7 best Wordpress SEO plugins to use

7 best Wordpress SEO plugins to use
Wordpress have a lot of SEO assistant/plugins that can help you a lot about your website's to rank better in search engine and optimize your site's SEO performance. Importance of using SEO plugin in Wordpress is unexplainable! cause these plugins will take care and handle your site's SEO by optimizing each of your post, page even everything!
There are lots of SEO plugins you can find in wordpress plugin repository. But most of all does not offer Complete SEO, So here in this list where you can find 7 SEO plugin what will give you perfect all in all SEO solution for your wordpress site. Read on-

7 best Wordpress SEO plugins to use

1. WordPress SEO by Yoast
Improve your WordPress SEO with Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using this WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

Basic Features-
  • Write better content with WordPress SEO (Using the snippet preview you can see a rendering of what your post or page will look like in the search results)
  • Page Analysis (Single post/page Seo analysis and Seo rating)
  • Meta & Link Elements
  • XML Sitemaps
  • RSS Optimization
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Edit your .htaccess and robots.txt file
  • Social Integration (SEO and Social Media are heavily intertwined, that's why this plugin also comes with a Facebook Open-Graph implementation and will soon also support Google plus sharing tags)
  • Multisite Compatible
  • Import & Export functionality/Import functionality for other WordPress SEO plugins
  • Translatable and Premium upgrade

2. All in One SEO Pack
All in One SEO Pack is a WordPress SEO plugin to automatically optimize your WordPress blog for Search Engines such as Google.

Basic Features-
  • XML Sitemap support
  • Google Analytics support
  • Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
  • Advanced Canonical URLs, Fine tune Page Navigational Links
  • ONLY plugin to provide SEO Integration for WP e-Commerce sites
  • Nonce Security built into All in One SEO Pack
  • Generates META tags automatically
  • Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
  • You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want.
  • Compatibility with many other plugins and premium upgrade

3. HeadSpace2 SEO
Controls almost every aspect of your site's meta-data, including advanced tagging, Analytics, and dozens of plugins. The best WordPress SEO solution

Basic Features-
  • You can configure meta-data for (Posts, Pages, Categories, Home page, Author pages, Search pages, 404 page)
  • You can define (Tags/keywords, with suggested keywords, Descriptions, Page titles, Site name and site description, Custom themes & plugins, Noindex and nofollow meta tags, Follow/follow on archive, category, page, tag, and comment links)
  • Google Analytics, Google section targeting
  • Google Webmaster
  • Add also Mint statistic, Stat0counter, CrazyEgg heat map, Feedburner Stats Pro, Yahoo! Site Explorer, HitTail, AWStats tracking
  • Disable visual editing, widgets, Add frame-breaker code
  • Configure memory limits, error reporting, and system timeouts
  • Translatable

4. SEO Ultimate
This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over title tags, noindex, meta tags, Open Graph, slugs, canonical, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets

Basic Features-
  • Title Tag Re-writer
  • Meta Description Editor
  • Use the power of anchor text to boost your internal ranking SEO paradigm
  • Lets you easily build internal links to URLs, posts, pages, attachments, custom post type items, categories, terms, post format archives, and custom taxonomy term archives
  • Apply the nofollow attribute on a per-link basis
  • Avoid over-optimization penalties by controlling the maximum number of autolinks added to each post/page
  • Pen Graph Integrator (Out-of-the-box functionality autogenerates Open Graph data for homepage, posts, pages, attachments, custom post type objects, and user profile pages, Mass-editors let you specify Open Graph data for multiple posts and pages at a time)
  • Rich Snippet Creator (Supports the new Schema.org format used by Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex)
  • Author Highlighter
  • Link Mask Generator
  • 404 Monitor and optimize, Permalink Tweaker
  • Code Inserter, .htaccess File Editor, Linkbox Inserter, Meta Keywords Editor, Meta Robots control, Settings Monitor, Webmaster Verification Assistant and much more

5. Wordpress Infinite Seo
Infinite seo is the most powerful premium WordPress search engine optimization plugin available on the web. Once installed this plugin will easily allow you to boost your sites rankings through

Basic Features-
  • Title and meta data optimization (Home title, Home meta description, Home keywords, Post meta description defaults, 404 page title and description defaults, Author and date archives tite, description and meta robots instructions)
  • Individual post integration
  • Automatic sitewide linking (Process RSS feeds, Prevent duplicate links)
  • Complete Moz integration
  • Multisite and BuddyPress compatibility out of the box
  • Comprehensive, powerful sitemaps (posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, other)

6. Platinum SEO Pack
Platinum SEO Plugin offers Complete onsite SEO solution for your WordPress blog.Platinum SEO Plugin offers all the functionalities of All In One SEO

Basic Features-
  • Optimized Post and Page Titles for search engines
  • Automatic 301 redirects for any permalink changes, Canonical URLs
  • Generates all SEO relevant META tags automatically
  • Option to specify meta description and meta keywords tag for categories and tag pages
  • avoid duplicate content
  • Support for custom post types
  • Add index, noindex, follow or nofollow, noodp, noydir, noarchive, nosnippet meta tags to any post/page

7. SEO Plugin by SQUIRRLY
Squirrly SEO Plugin is the Only SEO Tool that Allows You To Optimize Content And Measure It's Success. For Both Humans and Search Engines

Basic Features-
  • Gives You SEO Advice as you're typing your articles
  • Optimized articles get +285% traffic
  • The algorithm for Keyword analysis
  • Tracks all the aspects of your Content Marketing Strategy
  • Stay up to date with your SEO and Social Signals, with our Email Alerts
  • It Gives You Professional Advice on How To Fix (From SEO Moz, Google, Authority Labs)
  • Analyze any single article. See how it improves over time and premium upgrade

Last words, SEO plugins are very useful and very important for every Wordpress powered site for better ranking in search engine also SEO analysis by post/page, meta robots control, meta tags specify, hosting system capability control, Sitemap generating, Canonical urls control overall making a better blogging interface and better satisfaction to search engine>Visitors>and yourself these 7 best Wordpress plugin's one plugin using is obligatory. So what you use or gonna use don't forget to mention.