7 Plugins to turn Wordpress site into Mobile App

7 Plugins to turn Wordpress site into Mobile App
If you want to be more closure with your (wordpress powered) website's fan, an app of your site can do that easily, With an app of your website your Website's app user can easily access  your site and read your site's content, receive new post update easily via push notification, even stuff like offline browsing, publish your website's app in various App stores! etc
Here some plugin list what will help you to create a website app for your site, And you will not need to hire an app developers for that (without coding and easy). But One thing you need to know first after installing and go through some step don't expect your website's Android, iPhone, Win8, HTML5 app will be generate with extension what you going to offer your site's fan :(
All these plugin are offer trial and lite version of this app building service, For unlock all app generating service and option you need to pay a lots of bucks! So keep on reading-

7 Plugins to turn Wordpress site into Mobile app

Choose your dedicated mobile Theme, Create your own Native Android and iPhone Apps with Woocommerce & BuddyPress compatibility.

Basic Features-
  • Choose your adaptive mobile theme from Wiziapp new themes directory and keep your desktop theme intact
  • Creates an HTML5 app and Android app which can be immediately activated/generate and shown to mobile users
  • Push notification, social share
  • $199 to 299$ one off payment for Android, Win8 and iOS app generating with publish on app stores

Idea Press aims to make the mobile app space more accessible to everyone by providing an avenue for coders and non coders to develop beautiful app of your website

Basic Features-
  • Offline Browsing (IdeaPress stores the content of your website, what can be accessed on mobile devices anytime, anywhere)
  • Slick slideout menu, Bookmarking, Sharing and Searching, Analytics
  • Idea Press format your content to fit on all devices, so your posts and pages look good in any platform
  • $69 one time payment for all type app generating without HTML5 app

Upp-Site helps you better reach and engage with your audience on mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone. Mobile for WordPress by UppSite turns your WordPress site into powerful mobile apps

Basic Features-
  • Generate iOS (iPhone and iPad), Android, Windows Phone and HTML5 app, Submits your applications to the app stores
  • Upload icons, logos and splash screens, change colors, texts and display layout
  • Advanced push notification system, Social share
  • $99 per month

Mobiloud is a premium WordPress plugin and mobile app publishing service. It's for publishers and bloggers who want to build a branded native mobile apps for iOS and Android, offering content from their WordPress site

Basic Features-
  • Automatically syncs with your WordPress site's content (posts, pages, categories, images and video) and turn 'em into Fast, smooth and well designed iPhone and Android apps plus publish on App stores
  • Send push notifications, Social shares
  • Support for Google Analytics, Advertising optimizing (Adsense, Ad mob)
  • 540$ to $960 per year

The JoeMobi app maker helps you take your website mobile with custom iPhone, Android and Black Berry apps

Basic Features-
  • Choose your colors, upload your icons and header image, and Mobile App created
  • Create native iPhone, Android, Win8 and BlackBerry applications also be publish App Stores, Android market, blackberry app world
  • Push notifications built in, Social shares
  • $1499 yer year

Quickapp plugin delivers the easiest, fastest and most advanced way to turn your WordPress site into customizable native mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone devices

Basic Features-
  • Free version offers you the ability to select from 10 flash screens as well as choose how to display your content
  • Created  HTML5 Web App, iOS App & Android Publish your app to Apple App-Store and Google Play Android Market
  • Adsense or admob optimization
  • Mobile app stats with Google analytic account
  • $49 one off payment, in free version Webapp and android app

This plugin is the first step to a free native App for iOS (iPhone) and Android

Basic Features-
  • There are a number of settings where you can change the looks of the App
  • Push Notification
  • Build you app in only a few minutes. Instantly test it on app store conditionally

It's not a new phenomenon to have mobile app for your website-Tech-crunch, The Verge, The Huffington Post like a lot of popular sites have this mobile app so if you want to make your wordpress site's app to for fans you can use any of plugin of this list. And if you already published any app don't forget to mention what plugin you used.