20 Useful Wordpress Plugin to use

20 Useful Wordpress Plugin to use
In the matter of Wordpress powered sites there are a lots of plugins you can find to make your site beautiful plus those plugins are somewhat very useful for use. Here such useful and fancy wordpress plugin listed, let’s read on to know what plugins I’m talking about-

(Social network dedicated)

1. Facebook
Add Facebook social plugins and the ability to publish new posts to a Facebook Timeline or Facebook Page. Official Facebook plugin.

  • Open graph protocol markup optimizes your content for social sharing and rich story previews on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Mixi, and more
  • Display large images, link to author pages, and improve story distribution through social news feeds
  • Facebook insights (Track rich audience data powered by Facebook profiles (age, location, language) and see how your content is shared on Facebook)
  • Add like, follow, send button every content
  • Embed facebook post, composer, creating a shortcode, calling a function from your theme
  • Facebook social comment box enabling, login support for AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo! accounts
  • Recommending bar for recommending posts and encouraging Like shares posts and encouraging Like shares
  • Configure your Facebook application for Open Graph action news publishing support for improved Facebook distribution of author Timeline stories and news-specific highlights
  • Customize and extend the plugin through custom actions and filters

2. WP to Twitter
Auto-posts a Twitter update when you update your WordPress blog or blogroll, with your chosen URL shortening service

  • Use tags as Twitter hashtags
  • Use alternate URLs in place of post permalinks
  • Support for Google Analytics
  • Support for XML, RPC remote clients
  • Url shorter  t.co service
  • Pro service has much more

3. Floating Social Media Icon
Easy to Use Plugin 2 Show Social Media Icons That Floats,Can Configure Social Icon Design, Order & Size at Plugin Settings, Support Widget & Short

  • 20+ Icon Styles, Set Icon Size & Order
  • Multiple Widget & Shortcode Support
  • Auto/Manual Integration
  • Enable/Disable Floating
  • Less Load - Essential Social Medias Only
  • Pro service has much more functions

4. Pinterest "Pin It" Button
Add a Pinterest "Pin It" Button to your site and get your visitors to start pinning your awesome content!

  • Let the reader select an image when pinning.
  • Pre-select an image for the reader to pin.
  • Default to the first image in the post.
  • Specify a specific image to pin per post.
  • Pick from official "Pin It" button colors and sizes.
  • Hide the "Pin It" button on specific posts and pages.
  • Add a "Pin It" button to your sidebar or footer as a widget.
  • Place "Pin It" buttons anywhere using shortcodes.
  • Pro service has much more options

5. Login radius social login
Let your users log in, comment and share via their social accounts with Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vkontakte, QQ and over 25 more!

  • Users can register by logging in with social ID such as Gmail, Twitter, Facebook etc and they will not require usernames/passwords
  • Choose as many ID Providers as you want
  • It automatically creates account for the users after logging in with their existing IDs
  • Fully compatible with s2member, Buddypress and bbPress
  • Choose social icon themes and login interface (widget) design
  • API connection check feature for error notification, REST API access and HTTPS support, Validate API key and secret Enable, API connection check
  • Allow users to post comments with their Social Accounts, The comment will appear with users name, his/her avatar image and link to his/her profile
  • Options to add social sharing widget on homepage, posts, feeds, content pages, etc plus Choose social sharing interface designs
  • Enable email verification of end users, Fetched data include Email addresses, name, date of birth, etc
  • A nice and clean user friendly WP admin U/I with tab structure with various options for social login, sharing and commenting
  • Custom Login Redirection i.e. set a URL to redirect your users after logging in, Custom Logout Redirection i.e. set a URL to redirect your users after logging out
  • Pro service has much more functions

(Better customization on theme dedicated)

6. SlideDeck 2 Lite Responsive Content Slider
Create responsive content sliders on your WordPress blogging platform. Manage SlideDeck content and insert them into templates and posts

  • Responsive slider plugin that lets you easily create content sliders out of almost any content
  • Connect to a variety of Content Sources like YouTube, Flickr, WordPress posts and Pinterest to create gorgeous, dynamic sliders in a few clicks
  • Embed video several source supports
  • Unlimited slidedeck add into a post
  • Pro upgrade has lot more function

7. Meta Slider
Easy to use slideshow plugin. Create SEO optimized responsive slideshows with Nivo Slider, Flex Slider, Coin Slider and Responsive Slides.

  • Flex Slider 2 - Responsive, 2 transition effects, carousel mode, Nivo Slider - Responsive, 16 transition effects, 4 themes Responsive Slides - Responsive & incredibly light weight, Coin Slider - 4 transition effects
  • Simple, easy to use interface - perfect for individual users, developers & clients
  • Built in Widget and Shortcode
  • Create Responsive, SEO optimised slideshows in seconds, Unrestricted support for Image slides (supports caption, link, title text, alt text)
  • WordPress Multi Site compatible,  Fast, only the minimum JavaScript/CSS is included on your page
  • Simple, easy to use interface - perfect for individual users, developers & clients, Extensive
  • Developer API (hooks & filters)
  • Full width slideshow support, Drag and drop slide reordering

8. JQuery Mega Menu Widget
Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery

  • Hover/Click - Select the event that activates the sub-menu. Note that if using "Click" the parent menu links will be disabled
  • Skin - Several sample skins are available to give examples of css that can be used to style your own mega menu
  • Animation Effect - The effect used to display the drop down menu. Options are slide down or fade in
  • Animation Speed - The speed at which the dropdown menu will open/close - selecting "No Animation" will immediately show/hide the menu
  • Set Sub Menu To Full Width - If checked, the drop down mega sub menu width will be 100%

9. Sticky Header by ThematoSoup
Sticky Header by ThematoSoup allows you to add sticky header to any WordPress theme

  • Menu - You need to create at least one navigation menu before you can add it to Sticky Header. The menu in Sticky Header shows only first level items, so no submenu items will be shown
  • Logo - You can upload your sticky header logo by clicking on "Upload new" > "Select a file". Ideally, this logo should be 30px tall or it will be resized. If a logo image is not uploaded, site title will be used.
  • Custom background, text color
  • Sticky Header max width - This option allows you to match interior Sticky Header width to your content area width
  • Make visible when scrolled to - This is the distance from the top of the page at which sticky header will show, in pixels
  • Hide if screen is narrower than - Sticky header will not be shown on screens narrower than this value, in pixels. When people use mobile devices, they're used to vertical scrolling so it's not necessary to have sticky headers

10. WYSIWYG 3D Drag And Drop Visual HTML Editor & Web Page Builder
WYSIWYG 3D Visual HTML Editor & Drag And Drop Web Page Editor With CKEditor,
Desktop Publisher For WordPress

  • Build themeless pages inside the wordpress environment
  • INline HTML Editor CKEditor, 600+ Google fonts. Drag and drop images, Gradient Backgrounds.
  • Drag and drop text, videos, embeds
  • All Editor Items Click And Move, Graphical user interface
  • Load WordPress template inline editing, Load Personal templates for inline editing
  • Text fonts, Text Size, Text color, Text shadows, Text spacing, Text line spacing, Text align
  • Box back ground color, Box borders, Box border colors, Box border sizes, Box padding, Box rounded corners, Box transparency, Box drop shadows, Box border styles, Box border widths, Box Resizing - Just click and pull
  • Picture resizing, Picture transparency, Picture underlay, Picture overlay, Picture Gallery, Image Drop Shadows, Image Borders, Image Border radius- Just click and pull
  • Layers adjust levels, Layer naming, Layer positioning, Layers linkable, Layer height levels, Layer visibility toggle, Layer deleting
  • Floating palettes, Side palettes Undo step, Redo step and Auto backup
  • Inline editing, Get HTML HTML Source, Mini HTML Editor, Full HTML Editor
  • Embeds for adding html layers, Embeds for paypal, Embeds for youtube

(Media dedicated)

11. NextGEN Gallery
It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import Meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more

  • Centralized gallery management. Enjoy a single location where you can see and manage all your galleries
  • Edit galleries. Add or exclude images, change gallery title and description, reorder of images, resize thumbnails
  • Thumbnail Management. Turn thumbnail cropping on and off, customize how individual thumbnails are cropped, and bulk resize thumbnails across one or more galleries
  • Edit Individual Images. Edit meta data and image tags, rotate images, and exclude images
  • Watermarks. Quickly add watermarks to batches or galleries of images
  • Albums. Create and organize collections of galleries, and display them in either compact or extended format
  • Multiple Gallery Types. Choose between two main display styles: Slideshow and Thumbnail, and allow visitors to toggle between the two. Or display Imagebrowser galleries and Singlepics
  • Slideshow Galleries. Choose from a vast array of options for slideshows, including slideshow size, transition style, speed, image order, and optional navigation bar
  • Thumbnail Galleries. Choose from a wide range of options to customize thumbnail galleries, including 5 different lightboxes for individual images, optional thumbnail cropping and editing, thumbnail styles, captions, and more
  • Single Image Displays. Display and format single images, Work with Options Panel or Shortcode

12. Easy FancyBox
Easily enable the FancyBox jQuery extension on just about all media links. Multi-Site compatible. Supports iFrame and Flash movies

  • All other image types and image maps, SWF (Flash) movies, SVG media images
  • WordPress Galleries, NextGEN galleries
  • Youtube galleries via Youtube Simple Gallery plugin, Vimeo, Dailmotion
  • Hidden inline content
  • iFrames, PDF files
  • Auto-popup on page load, links inside Gravity Forms in ajax mode

13. Responsive Lightbox
Responsive Lightbox allows users to view larger versions of images and galleries in a lightbox (overlay) effect optimized for mobile devices

  • Select from 4 responsive lightbox scripts (SwipeBox, prettyPhoto, FancyBox, Nivo Lightbox)
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress image galleries
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress image links
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress video links (YouTube, Vimeo)
  • Option to display single post images as a gallery, Enter a selector for lightbox
  • Highly customizable settings for each of the lightbox scripts
  • Multisite support

14. Video Thumbnails
Video Thumbnails simplifies the process of automatically displaying video thumbnails in your WordPress template

  • Video Thumbnails makes it easy to automatically display video thumbnails in your template
  • When you publish a post, this plugin will find the first video embedded and locate the thumbnail for you
  • Thumbnails can be saved to your media library and set as a featured image automatically
  • There's even support for custom post types and custom fields!

15. WP Tiles
WP Tiles shortcode adds fully customizable dynamic tiles to your WordPress posts and pages

  • WP Tiles are automatically generated based on your 20 last posts, can be modified
  • Posts are automatically shown with either their featured image, the first attached image, or the first image found in the post itself
  • Posts that don't have an image automatically get a background color, randomly chosen from a selection of colors set in the options panel of WP Tiles
  • WP Tiles comes with a couple default tile-templates

(Other fancy option's dedicated)

16. Google Analyticator
Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics.Includes widgets for Analytics data display

  • Supports Universal (analytics.js) and traditional analytics (ga.js)
  • Includes an admin dashboard widget that displays a graph of the last 30 days of visitors, a summary of site usage, the top pages, the top referrers, and the top searches
  • Includes a widget that can be used to display visitor stat information on the front-end
  • Supports outbound link tracking of all links on the page, including links not managed by WordPress
  • Supports download link tracking
  • Supports event tracking with outbound links / downloads instead of the old pageview tracking method
  • Support site speed tracking
  • Supports any advanced tracking code Google provides, Supports localization -get the settings page in your language of choice
  • Installs easily - unlike other plugins, the user doesn't even have to know their Analytics UID, Ability to hide Google UID dropdown
  • Supports any advanced tracking code Google provides, Provides complete control over options, disable any feature if needed
Star Rating System for WordPress - the most beautiful & user-freindly Thumb & Star ratings for WordPress

  • Secure Connection (Fraud protection)
  • No Ads in votes overview pop-up
  • Lots of rating icons
  • Most Rated post and other sidebar widgets
  • Remove (i) icon from Ratings
  • Pro version has many more features

18. WP Google Maps
The easiest to use Google maps plugin! Create custom maps with high quality markers containing locations, categories, descriptions, images and links

  • Super easy to use, Latest Google Maps API (V3), No advertising or links
  • Create as many map markers as you need by simply typing in the address, Edit your markers with the click of a button
  • Responsive maps, UTF-8 character support
  • Map can be included as a widget
  • Google Maps Street view supported, Support for localization
  • Define your own width, height and zoom level for your Google Map
  • Choose from four Google maps types: roadmap, terrain, satellite and hybrid
  • Add animations to your map markers!
  • Pro version has lot more function

19. Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup
Give identity to your single or multi-author WordPress website with Fancier Author Box, The Only Author Box Plugin You'll Ever Need

  • Links offers Twitter, Facebook, Google+ & automatic Google Authorship verification (rel=author), LinkedIn, Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, Vimeo, Job title(position), Company, Company URL
  • Show in posts (above, below, both, none), Show in pages (above, below, both, none), Show in custom post types (above, bellow, both, none)
  • Bio - This is a standard author bio description. It uses your Gravatar image and allows you to put social profile icons
  • Latest Posts, Shows number of latest posts you specify and dates
  • Inactive Tab, Inactive Tab Border, Inactive Tab Background, Active Tab, Active Tab Border,
  •  Active Tab Background, Tab Content, Tab Content Border, Tab Content Background

20. Infinite-Scroll
Infinite scroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page

  • Works out-of-the-box for many popular WordPress themes,  just activate the plugin and scroll
  • Fully customizable to adapt to your site and theme
  • Requires no (hopefully) template hacking, only a knowledge of CSS selectors
  • Relies on shared database of common themes to simplify installation process
  • Maintain local database of theme presets for all installed themes (shared across network on multisite installs)
  • Countless API endpoints to modify the behavior
  • Backwards compatible: Will not break RSS readers, mobile devices, or browsers with JavaScript

May be you using some of these plugins, if you still didn’t tried, lets try today :) got recommend some fancy useful plugin you use don't forget to mention....